Oxymoron - Beware, Poisonous!

A glaring plague warned of peril
The city's lying in exhalation
All people killed by dioxine
Radioactive contamination
Poisonous crap wherever you glance
You can't afford to be affected
Poisonous crap inside of their heads
Drives 'em into fucked up actions

Poison all yourselves you body
Beware, beware, there's poison in the air
Beware, beware, it's gonna be a state affair
Beware, beware, there's poison everywhere
Beware, beware, beware, poisonous outside

A punky band is prodding uproar
Beware of their poisonous slogans
They spill their hatred, just look out there
The youth gets spoiled by vandalism
Every page another lie
It's propaganda and deception
To poison-poison-poison your brain
And let them keep on pulling the strings